# Patterns

This document describes various patterns for solving common problems, in ways that are not (yet) specified in any Frictionless Data specification. If we see increased adoption, or wide support, for any pattern, it is a prime candidate for formalising as part of a specification.

# Table of Contents

  1. Private properties
  2. Caching of resources
  3. Compression of resources
  4. Language support
  5. Translation support
  6. Table Schema: Foreign Keys to Data Packages
  7. Data Package Version
  8. Data Dependencies
  9. Table Schema: metadata properties
  10. JSON Data Resources
  11. Describing Data Package Catalogs using the Data Package Format
  12. Table Schema: Unique constraints
  13. Describing files inside a compressed file such as Zip
  14. Missing values per field
  15. Table Schema: Enum labels and ordering
  16. Table Schema: Relationship between Fields

# Private properties

# Overview

Some software that implements the Frictionless Data specifications may need to store additional information on the various Frictionless Data descriptors.

For example, a data registry that provides metadata via datapackage.json may wish to set an internal version or identifier that is system-specific, and should not be considered as part of the user-generated metadata.

Properties to store such information should be considered “private”, and by convention, the names should be prefixed by an underscore _.

# Implementations

There are no known implementations at present.

# Specification

On any Frictionless Data descriptor, data that is not generated by the author/contributors, but is generated by software/a system handling the data, SHOULD be considered as “private”, and be prefixed by an underscore _.

To demonstrate, let’s take the example of a data registry that implements datapackage.json for storing dataset metadata.

A user might upload a datapackage.json as follows:

  "name": "my-package",
  "resources": [
      "name": "my-resource",
      "data": [ "my-resource.csv" ]

The registry itself may have a platform-specific version system, and increment versions on each update of the data. To store this information on the datapackage itself, the platform could save this information in a “private” _platformVersion property as follows:

  "name": "my-package",
  "_platformVersion": 7
  "resources": [
      "name": "my-resource",
      "data": [ "my-resource.csv" ]

Usage of “private” properties ensures a clear distinction between data stored on the descriptor that is user (author/contributor) defined, and any additional data that may be stored by a 3rd party.

# Caching of resources

# Overview

All Frictionless Data specifications allow for referencing resources via http or a local filesystem.

In the case of remote resources via http, there is always the possibility that the remote server will be unavailable, or, that the resource itself will be temporarily or permanently removed.

Applications that are concerned with the persistent storage of data described in Frictionless Data specifications can use a _cache property that mirrors the functionality and usage of the data property, and refers to a storage location for the data that the application can fall back to if the canonical resource is unavailable.

# Implementations

There are no known implementations of this pattern at present.

# Specification

Implementations MAY handle a _cache property on any descriptor that supports a data property. In the case that the data referenced in data is unavailable, _cache should be used as a fallback to access the data. The handling of the data stored at _cache is beyond the scope of the specification. Implementations might store a copy of the resources in data at ingestion time, update at regular intervals, or any other method to keep an up-to-date, persistent copy.

Some examples of the _cache property.

  "name": "my-package",
  "resources": [
      "name": "my-resource",
      "data": [ "http://example.com/data/csv/my-resource.csv" ],
      "_cache": "my-resource.csv"
      "name": "my-resource",
      "data": [ "http://example.com/data/csv/my-resource.csv" ],
      "_cache": "http://data.registry.com/user/files/my-resource.csv"
      "name": "my-resource",
      "data": [
      "_cache": [
      "name": "my-resource",
      "data": [ "http://example.com/data/csv/my-resource.csv" ],
      "_cache": "my-resource.csv"

# Compression of resources

# Overview

It can be argued that applying compression to data resources can make data package publishing more cost-effective and sustainable. Compressing data resources gives publishers the benefit of reduced storage and bandwidth costs and gives consumers the benefit of shorter download times.

# Implementations

# Specification

All compressed resources MUST have a path that allows the compression property to be inferred. If the compression can’t be inferred from the path property (e.g. a custom file extension is used) then the compression property MUST be used to specify the compression.

Supported compression types:

  • gz
  • zip

Example of a compressed resource with implied compression:

  "name": "data-resource-compression-example",
  "path": "http://example.com/large-data-file.csv.gz",
  "title": "Large Data File",
  "description": "This large data file benefits from compression.",
  "format": "csv",
  "mediatype": "text/csv",
  "encoding": "utf-8",
  "bytes": 1073741824

Example of a compressed resource with the compression property:

  "name": "data-resource-compression-example",
  "path": "http://example.com/large-data-file.csv.gz",
  "title": "Large Data File",
  "description": "This large data file benefits from compression.",
  "format": "csv",
  "compression" : "gz",
  "mediatype": "text/csv",
  "encoding": "utf-8",
  "bytes": 1073741824


Resource properties e.g. bytes, hash etc apply to the compressed object – not to the original uncompressed object.

# Language support

# Overview

Language support is a different concern to translation support. Language support deals with declaring the default language of a descriptor and the data it contains in the resources array. Language support makes no claim about the presence of translations when one or more languages are supported in a descriptor or in data. Via the introduction of a languages array to any descriptor, we can declare the default language, and any other languages that SHOULD be found in the descriptor and the data.

# Implementations

There are no known implementations of this pattern at present.

# Specification

Any Frictionless Data descriptor can declare the language configuration of its metadata and data with the languages array.

languages MUST be an array, and the first item in the array is the default (non-translated) language.

If no languages array is present, the default language is English (en), and therefore is equivalent to:

  "name": "my-package",
  "languages": ["en"]

The presence of a languages array does not ensure that the metadata or the data has translations for all supported languages.

The descriptor and data sources MUST be in the default language. The descriptor and data sources MAY have translations for the other languages in the array, using the same language code. IF a translation is not present, implementing code MUST fallback to the default language string.

Example usage of languages, implemented in the metadata of a descriptor:

  "name": "sun-package",
  "languages": ["es", "en"],
  "title": "Sol"

# which is equivalent to
  "name": "sun-package",
  "languages": ["es", "en"],
  "title": {
    "": "Sol",
    "en": "Sun"

Example usage of languages implemented in the data described by a resource:

# resource descriptor
  "name": "solar-system",
  "data": [ "solar-system.csv" ]
  "fields": [
  "languages": ["es", "en", "he", "fr", "ar"]

# data source
# some languages have translations, some do not
# assumes a certain translation pattern, see the related section

# Translation support

# Overview

Following on from a general pattern for language support, and the explicit support of metadata translations in Frictionless Data descriptors, it would be desirable to support translations in source data.

We currently have two patterns for this in discussion. Both patterns arise from real-world implementations that are not specifically tied to Frictionless Data.

One pattern suggests inline translations with the source data, reserving the @ symbol in the naming of fields to denote translations.

The other describes a pattern for storing additional translation sources, co-located with the “source” file described in a descriptor data.

# Implementations

There are no known implementations of this pattern in the Frictionless Data core libraries at present.

# Specification

# Inline

Uses a column naming convention for accessing translations.

Tabular resource descriptors support translations using {field_name}@{lang_code} syntax for translated field names. lang_code MUST be present in the languages array that applies to the resource.

Any field with the @ symbol MUST be a translation field for another field of data, and MUST be parsable according to the {field_name}@{lang_code} pattern.

If a translation field is found in the data that does not have a corresponding field (e.g.: title@es but no title), then the translation field SHOULD be ignored.

If a translation field is found in the data that uses a lang_code not declared in the applied languages array, then the translation field SHOULD be ignored.

Translation fields MUST NOT be described in a schema fields array.

Translation fields MUST match the type, format and constraints of the field they translate, with a single exception: Translation fields are never required, and therefore constraints.required is always false for a translation field.

# Co-located translation sources

Uses a file storage convention for accessing translations.

To be contributed by @jheeffer

  • Has to handle local and remote resources
  • Has to be explicit about the translation key/value pattern in the translation files
# local

# remote

# Table Schema: Foreign Keys to Data Packages

# Overview

A foreign key is a reference where values in a field (or fields) in a Tabular Data Resource link to values in a field (or fields) in a Tabular Data Resource in the same or in another Tabular Data Package.

This pattern allows users to link values in a field (or fields) in a Tabular Data Resource to values in a field (or fields) in a Tabular Data Resource in a different Tabular Data Package.

# Specification

The foreignKeys array MAY have a property package. This property MUST be, either:

  • a string that is a fully qualified HTTP address to a Data Package datapackage.json file
  • a data package name that can be resolved by a canonical data package registry

If the referenced data package has an id that is a fully qualified HTTP address, it SHOULD be used as the package value.

For example:

"foreignKeys": [{
    "fields": ["code"],
    "reference": {
      "package": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/frictionlessdata/example-data-packages/master/donation-codes/datapackage.json",
      "resource": "donation-codes",
      "fields": ["donation code"]

# Data Package Version

# Specification

The Data Package version format follows the Semantic Versioning (opens new window) specification format: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH

The version numbers, and the way they change, convey meaning about how the data package has been modified from one version to the next.

Given a Data Package version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

MAJOR version when you make incompatible changes, e.g.

  • Change the data package, resource or field name or identifier
  • Add, remove or re-order fields
  • Change a field type or format
  • Change a field constraint to be more restrictive
  • Combine, split, delete or change the meaning of data that is referenced by another data resource

MINOR version when you add data or change metadata in a backwards-compatible manner, e.g.

  • Add a new data resource to a data package
  • Add new data to an existing data resource
  • Change a field constraint to be less restrictive
  • Update a reference to another data resource
  • Change data to reflect changes in referenced data

PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible fixes, e.g.

  • Correct errors in existing data
  • Change descriptive metadata properties

# Scenarios

  • You are developing your data though public consultation. Start your initial data release at 0.1.0
  • You release your data for the first time. Use version 1.0.0
  • You append last months data to an existing release. Increment the MINOR version number
  • You append a column to the data. Increment the MAJOR version number
  • You relocate the data to a new URL or path. No change in the version number
  • You change a title, description, or other descriptive metadata. Increment the PATCH version
  • You fix a data entry error by modifying a value. Increment the PATCH version
  • You split a row of data in a foreign key reference table. Increment the MAJOR version number
  • You update the data and schema to refer to a new version of a foreign key reference table. Increment the MINOR version number

# Data Dependencies

Consider a situation where data packages are part of a tool chain that, say, loads all of the data into an SQL db. You can then imagine a situation where one requires package A which requires package B + C.

In this case you want to specify that A depends on B and C – and that “installing” A should install B and C. This is the purpose of dataDependencies property.

# Specification

dataDependencies is an object. It follows same format as CommonJS Packages spec v1.1. Each dependency defines the lowest compatible MAJOR[.MINOR[.PATCH]] dependency versions (only one per MAJOR version) with which the package has been tested and is assured to work. The version may be a simple version string (see the version property for acceptable forms), or it may be an object group of dependencies which define a set of options, any one of which satisfies the dependency. The ordering of the group is significant and earlier entries have higher priority. Example:

"dataDependencies": {
   "country-codes": "",
   "unemployment": "2.1",
   "geo-boundaries": {
     "acmecorp-geo-boundaries": ["1.0", "2.0"],
     "othercorp-geo-boundaries": "0.9.8",

# Implementations

None known.

# Table Schema: metadata properties

# Overview

Table Schemas need their own metadata to be stand-alone and interpreted without relying on other contextual information (Data Package metadata for example). Adding metadata to describe schemas in a structured way would help users to understand them and would increase their sharing and reuse.

Currently it is possible to add custom properties to a Table Schema, but the lack of consensus about those properties restricts common tooling and wider adoption.

# Use cases

  • Documentation: generating Markdown documentation from the schema itself is a useful use case, and contextual information (description, version, authors…) needs to be retrieved.
  • Cataloging: open data standardisation can be increased by improving Table Schemas shareability, for example by searching and categorising them (by keywords, countries, full-text…) in catalogs.
  • Machine readability: tools like Goodtables could use catalogs to access Table Schemas in order to help users validate tabular files against existing schemas. Metadata would be needed for tools to find and read those schemas.

# Specification

This pattern introduces the following properties to the Table Schema spec (using the Frictionless Data core dictionary (opens new window) as much as possible):

  • name: An identifier string for this schema.
  • title: A human-readable title for this schema.
  • description: A text description for this schema.
  • keywords: The keyword(s) that describe this schema.
    Tags are useful to categorise and catalog schemas.
  • countryCode: The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country where this schema is primarily used.
    Since open data schemas are very country-specific, it’s useful to have this information in a structured way.
  • homepage: The home on the web that is related to this schema.
  • path: A fully qualified URL for this schema.
    The direct path to the schema itself can be useful to help accessing it (i.e. machine readability).
  • image: An image to represent this schema.
    An optional illustration can be useful for example in catalogs to differentiate schemas in a list.
  • licenses: The license(s) under which this schema is published.
  • resources: Example tabular data resource(s) validated or invalidated against this schema.
    Oftentimes, schemas are shared with example resources to illustrate them, with valid or even invalid files (e.g. with constraint errors).
  • sources: The source(s) used to created this schema.
    In some cases, schemas are created after a legal text or some draft specification in a human-readable document. In those cases, it’s useful to share them with the schema.
  • created: The datetime on which this schema was created.
  • lastModified: The datetime on which this schema was last modified.
  • version: A unique version number for this schema.
  • contributors: The contributors to this schema.

# Example schema

  "$schema": "https://specs.frictionlessdata.io/schemas/table-schema.json",
  "name": "irve",
  "title": "Infrastructures de recharge de véhicules électriques",
  "description": "Spécification du fichier d'échange relatif aux données concernant la localisation géographique et les caractéristiques techniques des stations et des points de recharge pour véhicules électriques",
  "keywords": [
      "electric vehicle",
      "charging station",
  "countryCode": "FR",
  "homepage": "https://github.com/etalab/schema-irve",
  "path": "https://github.com/etalab/schema-irve/raw/v1.0.1/schema.json",
  "image": "https://github.com/etalab/schema-irve/raw/v1.0.1/irve.png",
  "licenses": [
      "title": "Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal",
      "name": "CC0-1.0",
      "path": "https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/"
  "resources": [
      "title": "Valid resource",
      "name": "exemple-valide",
      "path": "https://github.com/etalab/schema-irve/raw/v1.0.1/exemple-valide.csv"
      "title": "Invalid resource",
      "name": "exemple-invalide",
      "path": "https://github.com/etalab/schema-irve/raw/v1.0.1/exemple-invalide.csv"
  "sources": [
      "title": "Arrêté du 12 janvier 2017 relatif aux données concernant la localisation géographique et les caractéristiques techniques des stations et des points de recharge pour véhicules électriques",
      "path": "https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/eli/arrete/2017/1/12/ECFI1634257A/jo/texte"
  "created": "2018-06-29",
  "lastModified": "2019-05-06",
  "version": "1.0.1",
  "contributors": [
      "title": "John Smith",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "organization": "Etalab",
      "role": "author"
      "title": "Jane Doe",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "organization": "Civil Society Organization X",
      "role": "contributor"
  "fields": [ ]

# Implementations

The following links are actual examples already using this pattern, but not 100 % aligned with our proposal. The point is to make the Table Schema users converge towards a common pattern, before considering changing the spec.

# JSON Data Resources

# Overview

A simple format to describe a single structured JSON data resource. It includes support both for metadata such as author and title and a schema (opens new window) to describe the data.

# Introduction

A JSON Data Resource is a type of Data Resource specialized for describing structured JSON data.

JSON Data Resource extends Data Resource in following key ways:

  • The schema property MUST follow the JSON Schema (opens new window) specification,
    either as a JSON object directly under the property, or a string referencing another
    JSON document containing the JSON Schema

# Examples

A minimal JSON Data Resource, referencing external JSON documents, looks as follows.

// with data and a schema accessible via the local filesystem
  "profile": "json-data-resource",
  "name": "resource-name",
  "path": [ "resource-path.json" ],
  "schema": "jsonschema.json"

// with data accessible via http
  "profile": "json-data-resource",
  "name": "resource-name",
  "path": [ "http://example.com/resource-path.json" ],
  "schema": "http://example.com/jsonschema.json"

A minimal JSON Data Resource example using the data property to inline data looks as follows.

  "profile": "json-data-resource",
  "name": "resource-name",
  "data": {
    "id": 1,
    "first_name": "Louise"
  "schema": {
    "type": "object",
    "required": [
    "properties": {
      "id": {
        "type": "integer"
      "first_name": {
        "type": "string"

A comprehensive JSON Data Resource example with all required, recommended and optional properties looks as follows.

  "profile": "json-data-resource",
  "name": "solar-system",
  "path": "http://example.com/solar-system.json",
  "title": "The Solar System",
  "description": "My favourite data about the solar system.",
  "format": "json",
  "mediatype": "application/json",
  "encoding": "utf-8",
  "bytes": 1,
  "hash": "",
  "schema": {
    "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
    "type": "object",
    "required": [
    "properties": {
      "id": {
        "type": "integer"
      "name": {
        "type": "string"
      "description": {
        "type": "string"
  "sources": [{
    "title": "The Solar System - 2001",
    "path": "http://example.com/solar-system-2001.json",
    "email": ""
  "licenses": [{
    "name": "CC-BY-4.0",
    "title": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0",
    "path": "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"

# Specification

A JSON Data Resource MUST be a Data Resource, that is it MUST conform to the Data Resource specification.

In addition:

  • The Data Resource schema property MUST follow the JSON Schema (opens new window) specification,
    either as a JSON object directly under the property, or a string referencing another
    JSON document containing the JSON Schema
  • There MUST be a profile property with the value json-data-resource
  • The data the Data Resource describes MUST, if non-inline, be a JSON file

# JSON file requirements

When "format": "json", files must strictly follow the JSON specification (opens new window). Some implementations MAY support "format": "jsonc", allowing for non-standard single line and block comments (// and /* */ respectively).

# Implementations

None known.

# Describing Data Package Catalogs using the Data Package Format

# Overview

There are scenarios where one needs to describe a collection of data packages, such as when building an online registry, or when building a pipeline that ingests multiple datasets.

In these scenarios, the collection can be described using a “Catalog”, where each dataset is represented as a single resource which has:

    "profile": "data-package",
    "format": "json"

# Specification

The Data Package Catalog builds directly on the Data Package specification. Thus a Data Package Catalog MUST be a Data Package and conform to the Data Package specification.

The Data Package Catalog has the following requirements over and above those imposed by Data Package:

  • There MUST be a profile property with the value data-package-catalog, or a profile that extends it
  • Each resource MUST also be a Data Package

# Examples

A generic package catalog:

  "profile": "data-package-catalog",
  "name": "climate-change-packages",
  "resources": [
      "profile": "json-data-package",
      "format": "json",
      "name": "beacon-network-description",
      "path": "https://http://beacon.berkeley.edu/hypothetical_deployment_description.json"
      "profile": "tabular-data-package",
      "format": "json",
      "path": "https://pkgstore.datahub.io/core/co2-ppm/10/datapackage.json"
      "profile": "tabular-data-package",
      "name": "co2-fossil-global",
      "format": "json",
      "path": "https://pkgstore.datahub.io/core/co2-fossil-global/11/datapackage.json"

A minimal tabular data catalog:

  "profile": "tabular-data-package-catalog",
  "name": "datahub-climate-change-packages",
  "resources": [
      "path": "https://pkgstore.datahub.io/core/co2-ppm/10/datapackage.json"
      "name": "co2-fossil-global",
      "path": "https://pkgstore.datahub.io/core/co2-fossil-global/11/datapackage.json"

Data packages can also be declared inline in the data catalog:

  "profile": "tabular-data-package-catalog",
  "name": "my-data-catalog",
  "resources": [
      "profile": "tabular-data-package",
      "name": "my-dataset",
      // here we list the data files in this dataset
      "resources": [
          "profile": "tabular-data-resource",
          "name": "resource-name",
          "data": [
              "id": 1,
              "first_name": "Louise"
              "id": 2,
              "first_name": "Julia"
          "schema": {
            "fields": [
                "name": "id",
                "type": "integer"
                "name": "first_name",
                "type": "string"
            "primaryKey": "id"

# Implementations

None known.

# Table Schema: Unique constraints

# Overview

A primaryKey uniquely identifies each row in a table. Per SQL standards, it
cannot contain null values. This pattern implements the SQL UNIQUE constraint
by introducing a uniqueKeys array, defining one or more row uniqueness
constraints which do support null values. An additional uniqueNulls property
controls how null values are to be treated in unique constraints.

# Specification

# uniqueKeys (add)

The uniqueKeys property, if present, MUST be an array. Each entry
(uniqueKey) in the array MUST be a string or array (structured as per
primaryKey) specifying the resource field or fields required to be unique for
each row in the table.

# uniqueNulls (add)

The uniqueNulls property is a boolean that dictates how null values should
be treated by all unique constraints set on a resource.

  • If true (the default), null values are treated as unique (per most SQL
    databases). By this definition, 1, null, null is UNIQUE.
  • If false, null values are treated like any other value (per Microsoft SQL
    Server, Python pandas, R data.frame, Google Sheets). By this definition, 1, null, null is NOT UNIQUE.

# foreignKeys (edit)

Per SQL standards, null values are permitted in both the local and reference
keys of a foreign key. However, reference keys MUST be unique and are
therefore equivalent to a uniqueKey set on the reference resource (the meaning
of which is determined by the reference uniqueNulls).

Furthermore, per SQL standards, the local key MAY contain keys with field
values not present in the reference key if and only if at least one of the
fields is locally null. For example, (1, null) is permitted locally even if
the reference is [(2, 1), (3, 1)]. This behavior is the same regardless of the
value of uniqueNulls.

# Examples

# null in unique constraints

a b c d
1 1 1 1
2 2 null 2
3 2 null null

The above table meets the following primary key and two unique key constraints:

  "primaryKey": ["a"],
  "uniqueKeys": [
    ["b", "c"],
    ["c", "d"]
  "uniqueNulls": true

The primary key (a) only contains unique, non-null values. In contrast, the
unique keys can contain null values. Although unique key (b, c) contains two
identical keys (2, null), this is permitted because uniqueNulls: true
specifies that null values are unique. This behavior is consistent with the
UNIQUE constraint of PostgreSQL and most other SQL implementations, as
illustrated by this
dbfiddle (opens new window).
The same keys would be considered duplicates if uniqueNulls: false, consistent
with the UNIQUE constraint of Microsoft SQL Server, as illustrated by this
dbfiddle (opens new window).

# Setting unique constraints

For a given resource, unique constraints can be set for one field using a
field’s unique constraint, for one or multiple fields using a uniqueKey, and
for one or multiple fields using a foreignKey referencing the resource. Each
of the following examples set a unique constraint on field a:

Field constraints

  "fields": [
      "name": "a",
      "constraints": {
        "unique": true


  "uniqueKeys": [


  "foreignKeys": [
      "fields": "a",
      "reference": {
        "resource": "",
        "fields": "a"

# Implementations

None known.

# Describing files inside a compressed file such as Zip

# Overview

Some datasets need to contain a Zip file (or tar, other formats) containing a
set of files.

This might happen for practical reasons (datasets containing thousands of files)
or for technical limitations (for example, currently Zenodo doesn’t support subdirectories and
datasets might need subdirectory structures to be useful).

# Implementations

There are no known implementations at present.

# Specification

The resources in a data-package can contain “recursive resources”: identifying
a new resource.

# Example

  "profile": "data-package",
  "resources": [
      "path": "https://zenodo.org/record/3247384/files/Sea-Bird_Processed_Data.zip",
      "format": "zip",
      "mediatype": "application/zip",
      "bytes": "294294242424",
      "hash": "a27063c614c183b502e5c03bd9c8931b",
      "resources": [
          "path": "file_name.csv",
          "format": "csv",
          "mediatype": "text/csv",
          "bytes": 242421,
          "hash": "0300048878bb9b5804a1f62869d296bc",
          "profile": "tabular-data-resource",
          "schema": "tableschema.json"
          "path": "directory/file_name2.csv",
          "format": "csv",
          "mediatype": "text/csv",
          "bytes": 2424213,
          "hash": "ff9435e0ee350efbe8a4a8779a47caaa",
          "profile": "tabular-data-resource",
          "schema": "tableschema.json"

For a .tar.gz it would be the same changing the "format" and the

# Types of files

Support for Zip and tar.gz might be enough: hopefully everything can be
re-packaged using these formats.

To keep the implementation and testing testing: only one recursive level is
possible. A resource can list resources inside (like in the example). But
the inner resources cannot contain resources again.

# Missing values per field

# Overview

Characters representing missing values in a table can be defined for all fields in a Tabular Data Resource (opens new window) using the missingValues (opens new window) property in a Table Schema. Values that match the missingValues are treated as null.

The Missing values per field pattern allows different missing values to be specified for each field in a Table Schema. If not specified, each field inherits from values assigned to missingValues at the Tabular Data Resource level.

For example, this data…

item description price
1 Apple 0.99
tba Banana -1
3 n/a 1.20

…using this Table Schema…

  "fields": [
      "name": "item",
      "title": "An inventory item number",
      "type": "integer"
      "name": "description",
      "title": "item description",
      "type": "string",
      "missingValues": [ "n/a"]
      "name": "price",
      "title": "cost price",
      "type": "number",
      "missingValues": [ "-1"]
  "missingValues": [ "tba", "" ]

…would be interpreted as…

item description price
1 Apple 0.99
null Banana null
3 null 1.20

# Specification

A field MAY have a missingValues property that MUST be an array where each entry is a string. If not specified, each field inherits from the values assigned to missingValues (opens new window) at the Tabular Data Resource level.

# Implementations

None known.

# Table Schema: Enum labels and ordering

# Overview

Many software packages for manipulating and analyzing tabular data have special
features for working with categorical variables. These include:

These features can result in more efficient storage and faster runtime
performance, but more importantly, facilitate analysis by indicating that a
variable should be treated as categorical and by permitting the logical order
of the categories to differ from their lexical order. And in the case of value
labels, they permit the analyst to work with variables in numeric form (e.g.,
in expressions, when fitting models) while generating output (e.g., tables,
plots) that is labeled with informative strings.

While these features are of limited use in some disciplines, others rely
heavily on them (e.g., social sciences, epidemiology, clinical research,
etc.). Thus, before these disciplines can begin to use Frictionless in a
meaningful way, both the standards and the software tools need to support
these features. This pattern addresses necessary extensions to the
Table Schema (opens new window).

# Principles

Before describing the proposed extensions, here are the principles on which
they are based:

  1. Extensions should be software agnostic (i.e., no additions to the official
    schema targeted toward a specific piece of software). While the extensions
    are intended to support the use of features not available in all software,
    the resulting data package should continue to work as well as possible with
    software that does not have those features.
  2. Related to (1), extensions should only include metadata that describe the
    data themselves—not instructions for what a specific software package should
    do with the data. Users who want to include the latter may do so within
    a sub-namespace such as custom (e.g., see Issues #103 (opens new window)
    and #663 (opens new window)).
  3. Extensions must be backward compatible (i.e., not break existing tools,
    workflows, etc. for working with Frictionless packages).

It is worth emphasizing that the scope of the proposed extensions is strictly
limited to the information necessary to make use of the features for working
with categorical data provided by the software packages listed above. Previous
discussions of this issue have occasionally included references to additional
variable-level metadata (e.g., multiple sets of category labels such as both
“short labels” and longer “descriptions”, or links to common data elements,
controlled vocabularies or rdfTypes). While these additional metadata are
undoubtedly useful, we speculate that the large majority of users who would
benefit from the extensions propopsed here would not have and/or utilize such
information, and therefore argue that these should be considered under a
separate proposal.

# Implementations

Our proposal to add a field-specific enumOrdered property has been raised
here (opens new window) and
here (opens new window).

Discussions regarding supporting software providing features for working with
categorical variables appear in the following GitHub issues:

and in the Frictionless Data forum:

Finally, while we are unaware of any existing implementations intended for
general use, it is likely that many users are already exploiting the fact that
arbitrary fields may be added to the
table schema (opens new window)
to support internal implementations.

# Proposed extensions

We propose two extensions to Table Schema (opens new window):

  1. Add an optional field-specific enumOrdered property, which can be used
    when contructing a categorical (or factor) to indicate that the variable is
  2. Add an optional field-specific enumLabels property for use when data are
    stored using integer or other codes rather than using the category labels.
    This contains an object mapping the codes appearing in the data (keys) to
    what they mean (values), and can be used by software to construct
    corresponding value labels or categoricals (when supported) or to translate
    the values when reading the data.

These extensions are fully backward compatible, since they are optional and
not providing them is valid.

Here is an example of a categorical variable using extension (1):

  "fields": [
      "name": "physical_health",
      "type": "string",
      "constraints": {
        "enum": [
          "Very good",
      "enumOrdered": true
  "missingValues": ["Don't know","Refused","Not applicable"]

This is our preferred strategy, as it provides all of the information
necessary to support the categorical functionality of the software packages
listed above, while still yielding a useable result for software without such
capability. As described below, value labels or categoricals can be created
automatically based on the ordering of the values in the enum array, and the
missingValues can be incorporated into the value labels or categoricals if
desired. In those cases where it is desired to have more control over how the
value labels are constructed, this information can be stored in a separate
file in JSON format or as part of a custom extension to the table schema.
Since such instructions do not describe the data themselves (but only how a
specific software package should handle them), and since they are often
software- and/or user-specific, we argue that they should not be included in
the official table schema.

Alternatively, those who wish to store their data in encoded form (e.g., this
is the default for data exports from REDCap (opens new window), a
commonly-used platform for collecting data for clinical studies) may use
extension (2) to do so:

  "fields": [
      "name": "physical_health",
      "type": "integer",
      "constraints": {
        "enum": [1,2,3,4,5]
      "enumOrdered": true,
      "enumLabels": {
        "1": "Poor",
        "2": "Fair",
        "3": "Good",
        "4": "Very good",
        "5": "Excellent"
  "missingValues": ["Don't know","Refused","Not applicable"]

Note that although the field type is integer, the keys in the enumLabels
object must be wrapped in double quotes because this is required by the JSON
file format.

A second variant of the example above is the following:

  "fields": [
      "name": "physical_health",
      "type": "integer",
      "constraints": {
        "enum": [1,2,3,4,5]
      "enumOrdered": true,
      "enumLabels": {
        "1": "Poor",
        "2": "Fair",
        "3": "Good",
        "4": "Very good",
        "5": "Excellent",
        ".a": "Don't know",
        ".b": "Refused",
        ".c": "Not applicable"
  "missingValues": [".a",".b",".c"]

This represents encoded data exported from software with support for value
labels. The values .a, .b, etc. are known as extended missing values
(Stata and SAS only) and provide 26 unique missing values for numeric fields
(both integer and float) in addition to the system missing value ("."); in
SPSS these would be replaced with specially designated integers, typically
negative (e.g., -97, -98 and -99).

# Specification

  1. A field with an enum constraint or an enumLabels property MAY have an
    enumOrdered property that MUST be a boolean. A value of true indicates
    that the field should be treated as having an ordinal scale of measurement,
    with the ordering given by the order of the field’s enum array or by the
    lexical order of the enumLabels object’s keys, with the latter taking
    precedence. Fields without an enum constraint or an enumLabels property
    or for which the enumLabels keys do not include all values observed
    in the data (excluding any values specified in the missingValues
    property) MUST NOT have an enumOrdered property since in that case the
    correct ordering of the data is ambiguous. The absence of an enumOrdered
    property MUST NOT be taken to imply enumOrdered: false.

  2. A field MAY have an enumLabels property that MUST be an object. This
    property SHOULD be used to indicate how the values in the data (represented
    by the object’s keys) are to be labeled or translated (represented by the
    corresponding value). As required by the JSON format, the object’s keys
    must be listed as strings (i.e., wrapped in double quotes). The keys MAY
    include values that do not appear in the data and MAY omit some values that
    do appear in the data. For clarity and to avoid unintentional loss of
    information, the object’s values SHOULD be unique.

# Suggested implementations

Note: The use cases below address only reading data from a Frictionless data
package; it is assumed that implementations will also provide the ability to
write Frictionless data packages using the schema extensions proposed above.
We suggest two types of implementations:

  1. Additions to the official Python Frictionless Framework to generate
    software-specific scripts that may be executed by a specific software
    package to read data from a Frictionless data package and create the
    appropriate value labels or categoricals, as described below. These
    scripts can then be included along with the data in the package itself.

  2. Software-specific extension packages that may be installed to permit users
    of that software to read data from a Frictionless data package directly,
    automatically creating the appropriate value labels or categoricals as
    described below.

The advantage of (1) is that it doesn’t require users to install another
software package, which may in some cases be difficult or impossible. The
advantage of (2) is that it provides native support for working with
Frictionless data packages, and may be both easier and faster once the package
is installed. We are in the process of implementing both approaches for Stata;
implementations for the other software listed above are straightforward.

# Software that supports value labels (Stata, SAS or SPSS)

  1. In cases where a field has an enum constraint but no enumLabels
    property, automatically generate a value label mapping the integers 1, 2,
    3, … to the enum values in order, use this to encode the field (thereby
    changing its type from string to integer), and attach the value label
    to the field. Provide option to skip automatically dropping values
    specified in the missingValues property and instead add them in order to
    the end of the value label, encoded using extended missing values if

  2. In cases where the data are stored in encoded form (e.g., as integers) and
    a corresponding enumLabels property is present, and assuming that the
    keys in the enumLabels object are limited to integers and extended
    missing values (if supported), use the enumLabels object to generate a
    value label and attach it to the field. As with (1), provide option to skip
    automatically dropping values specified in the missingValues property and
    instead add them in order to the end of the value label, encoded using
    extended missing values if supported.

  3. Although none of Stata, SAS or SPSS currently permits designating a specific
    variable as ordered, Stata permits attaching arbitrary metadata to
    individual variables. Thus, in cases where the enumOrdered property is
    present, this information can be stored in Stata to inform the analyst and
    to prevent loss of information when generating Frictionless data packages
    from within Stata.

# Software that supports categoricals or factors (Pandas, R, Julia)

  1. In cases where a field has an enum constraint but no enumLabels
    property, automatically define a categorical or factor using the enum
    values in order, and convert the variable to categorical or factor type
    using this definition. Provide option to skip automatically dropping values
    specified in the missingValues property and instead add them in order to
    the end of the enum values when defining the categorical or factor.

  2. In cases where the data are stored in encoded form (e.g., as integers) and
    a corresponding enumLabels property is present, translate the data using
    the enumLabels object, define a categorical or factor using the values of
    the enumLabels object in lexical order of the keys, and convert the
    variable to categorical or factor type using this definition. Provide
    option to skip automatically dropping values specified in the
    missingValues property and instead add them to the end of the
    enumLabels values when defining the categorical or factor.

  3. In cases where a field has an enumOrdered property, use that when
    defining the categorical or factor.

# All software

Although the extensions proposed here are intended primarily to support the
use of value labels and categoricals in software that supports them, they also
provide additional functionality when reading data into any software that can
handle tabular data. Specifically, the enumLabels property may be used to
support the use of enums even in cases where value labels or categoricals are
not being used. For example, it is standard practice in software for analyzing
genetic data to code sex as 0, 1 and 2 (corresponding to “Unknown”, “Male” and
“Female”) and affection status as 0, 1 and 2 (corresponding to “Unknown”,
“Unaffected” and “Affected”). In such cases, the enumLabels property may be
used to confirm that the data follow the standard convention or to indicate
that they deviate from it; it may also be used to translate those codes into
human-readable values, if desired.

# Notes

While this pattern is designed as an extension to Table Schema (opens new window) fields, it could also be used to document enum values of properties in profiles (opens new window), such as contributor roles.

This pattern originally included a proposal to add an optional field-specific
missingValues property similar to that described in the pattern
missing values per field (opens new window)
appearing in this document above. The objective was to provide a mechnanism to
distinguish between so-called system missing values (i.e., values that
indicate only that the corresponding data are missing) and other values that
convey meaning but are typically excluded when fitting statistical models. The
latter may be represented by extended missing values (.a, .b, .c,
etc.) in Stata and SAS, or in SPSS by negative integers that are then
designated as missing by using the MISSING VALUES command. For example,
values such as “NA”, “Not applicable”, “.”, etc. could be specified in the
resource level missingValues property, while values such as “Don’t know” and
“Refused”—often used when generating tabular summaries and occasionally used
when fitting certain statistical models—could be specified in the
corresponding field level missingValues property. The former would still be
converted to null before type-specific string conversion (just as they are
now), while the latter could be used by capable software when creating value
labels or categoricals.

While this proposal was consistent with the principles outlined at the
beginning (in particular, existing software would still yield a usable result
when reading the data), we realized that it would conflict with what appears
to be an emerging consensus regarding field-specific missingValues; i.e.,
that they should replace the less specific resource level missingValues
for the corresponding field rather than be combined with them (see the discussion
here (opens new window) as well as the
missing values per field (opens new window)
pattern above). While there is good reason for replacing rather than combining
here (e.g., it is more explicit), it would unfortunately conflict with the
idea of using the field-specific missingValues in conjunction with the
resource level missingValues as just described; namely, if the
field-specific property replaced the resource level property then the system
missing values would no longer be converted to null, as desired.

For this reason, we have dropped the proposal to add a field-specific
missingValues property from this pattern, and assert that implementation of
this pattern by software should assume that if a field-specific missingValues
property is added to the
table schema (opens new window)
it should, if present, replace the resource level missingValues property for
the corresponding field. We do not believe that this change represents a
substantial limitation when creating value labels or categoricals, since
system missing values can typically be easily distinguished from other missing
values when exported in CSV format (e.g., “.” in Stata or SAS, “NA” in R, or
“” in Pandas).

# Table Schema: Relationship between Fields

# Overview

The structure of tabular datasets is simple: a set of Fields grouped in a table.

However, the data present is often complex and reflects an interdependence between Fields (see explanations in the Internet-Draft NTV tabular format (NTV-TAB) (opens new window)).

Let’s take the example of the following dataset:

country region code population
France European Union FR 449
Spain European Union ES 48
Estonia European Union ES 449
Nigeria Africa NI 1460

The data schema for this dataset indicates in the Field Descriptor “description”:

  • for the “code” Field : “country code alpha-2”
  • for the “population” Field: “region population in 2022 (millions)”

If we now look at the data we see that this dataset is not consistent because it contains two structural errors:

  • The value of the “code” Field must be unique for each country, we cannot therefore have “ES” for “Spain” and “Estonia”,
  • The value of the “population” Field of “European Union” cannot have two different values (449 and 48)

These structural errors make the data unusable and yet they are not detected in the validation of the dataset (in the current version of Table Schema, there are no Descriptors to express this dependency between two fields).

The purpose of this specification is therefore on the one hand to express these structural constraints in the data schema and on the other hand to define the controls associated with the validation of a dataset.

# Context

This subject was studied and treated for databases and led to the definition of a methodology for specifying relationships and to the implementation of consistent relational databases.

The methodology is mainly based on the Entity–relationship model (opens new window):

An entity–relationship model (or ER model) describes interrelated things of interest in a specific domain of knowledge. A basic ER model is composed of entity types (which classify the things of interest) and specifies relationships that can exist between entities (instances of those entity types).

The Entity–relationship model is broken down according to the conceptual-logical-physical hierarchy.

The Relationships are expressed literally by a name and in a structured way by a cardinality (opens new window).

The Entity–relationship model for the example presented in the Overview is detailed in this NoteBook (opens new window).

# Principles

Two aspects need to be addressed:

# Proposed extensions

A relationship is defined by the following information:

  • the two Fields involved (the order of the Fields is important with the “derived” link),
  • the textual representation of the relationship,
  • the nature of the relationship

Three proposals for extending Table Schema are being considered:

  • New Field Descriptor
  • New Constraint Property
  • New Table Descriptor

After discussions only the third is retained (a relationship between fields associated to a Field) and presented below:

  • New Table Descriptor:

    A relationships Table Descriptor is added.
    The properties associated with this Descriptor could be:

    • fields: array with the names of the two Fields involved
    • description: description string (optional)
    • link: nature of the relationship


    • No mixing with Fields descriptors


    • Need to add a new Table Descriptor
    • The order of the Fields in the array is important with the “derived” link


    { "fields": [ ],
      "relationships": [
        { "fields" : [ "country", "code"],
          "description" : "is the country code alpha-2 of",
          "link" : "coupled"
        { "fields" : [ "region", "population"],
          "description" : "is the population of",
          "link" : "derived"}

# Specification

Assuming solution 3 (Table Descriptor), the specification could be as follows:

The relationships Descriptor MAY be used to define the dependency between fields.

The relationships Descriptor, if present, MUST be an array where each entry in the array is an object and MUST contain two required properties and one optional:

  • fields: Array with the property name of the two fields linked (required)
  • link : String with the nature of the relationship between them (required)
  • description : String with the description of the relationship between the two Fields (optional)

The link property value MUST be one of the three following :

  • derived :

    • The values of the child (second array element) field are dependant on the values of the parent (first array element) field (i.e. a value in the parent field is associated with a single value in the child field).
    • e.g. The “name” field [ “john”, “paul”, “leah”, “paul” ] and the “Nickname” field [ “jock”, “paulo”, “lili”, “paulo” ] are derived,
    • i.e. if a new entry “leah” is added, the corresponding “nickname” value must be “lili”.
  • coupled :

    • The values of one field are associated to the values of the other field.
    • e.g. The “Country” field [ “france”, “spain”, “estonia”, “spain” ] and the “code alpha-2” field [ “FR”, “ES”, “EE”, “ES” ] are coupled,
    • i.e. if a new entry “estonia” is added, the corresponding “code alpha-2” value must be “EE” just as if a new entry “EE” is added, the corresponding “Country” value must be “estonia”.
  • crossed :

    • This relationship means that all the different values of one field are associated with all the different values of the other field.
    • e.g. the “Year” Field [ 2020, 2020, 2021, 2021] and the “Population” Field [ “estonia”, “spain”, “estonia”, “spain” ] are crossed
    • i.e the year 2020 is associated to population of “spain” and “estonia”, just as the population of “estonia” is associated with years 2020 and 2021

# Implementations

The implementation of a new Descriptor is not discussed here (no particular point to address).

The control implementation is based on the following principles:

  • calculation of the number of different values for the two Fields,
  • calculation of the number of different values for the virtual Field composed of tuples of each of the values of the two Fields
  • comparison of these three values to deduce the type of relationship
  • comparison of the calculated relationship type with that defined in the data schema

The implementation example (opens new window) presents calculation function.
An analysis tool (opens new window) is also available and accessible from pandas data.
An example of implementation as custom_check is available here (opens new window).

# Notes

If the relationships are defined in a data model, the generation of the relationships in the data schema can be automatic.

The example presented in the Overview and the rule for converting a Data model into a Table schema are detailed in this NoteBook (opens new window).

A complete example (60 000 rows, 50 fields) is used to validate the methodology and the tools: open-data IRVE (opens new window)